Tuesday, November 18, 2014

8 Tips for Staying Fit During the Holidays

  1. Don't skip meals-- especially breakfast. Eating regularly keeps your metabolism going and prevents you from getting to that “I'm Starving, I'll eat anything in site!” point. 
  2. Focus on the People you are with, not the food. 
  3. Watch those liquid calories-- those can really add up! 
  4. If you slip up and eat a box of donuts with a delicious grande coffee-flavored cup of hot sugar, don't throw in the towel for the rest of the day. Every single snack and meal is a new opportunity to make a healthy decision! 
  5. Eat a protein-filled snack before heading out to dinner or a party. Try one of these 100 calorie options: 
    1. A cup of yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese 
    2. Twelve almonds 
    3. Low-fat, low-sodium deli turkey or chicken 
    4. Half an apple with half a tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter 
  6. Get up and exercise first thing in the morning. In as little as 30 minutes you can get a in great workout. You can even do it in your living room without having to venture out into the cold. You can either have RESULTS or EXCUSES, not both. 
  7. Lift weights! The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn while you're sleeping-- True story. 
  8. Speaking of sleeping: Make sure you are getting enough rest! When you're sleep deprived, your hormones get all out of wack, making it really difficult to lose weight. Basically, you SNOOZE you LOSE (weight).

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