Monday, November 3, 2014

Free 7 Day Clean Eating Group

This is a FREE 7 day clean eating challenge! 
I challenge you to eat clean for these 7 days and take a look at the difference you'll feel in you energy levels, body and mind clarity!
What is clean eating??  These days everyone says “Eat Clean”, but do we all actually know what this means? Clean eating is about eating foods in their most natural state.  This means saying goodbye to the processed foods, foods with loads of preservatives, foods with lots of added sugar, and foods with high levels of bad fats.  So you will be avoiding the foods that are stripped of their nutritional value. Basically, you’re eating whole, unrefined foods.  Since you’re avoiding anything that has been altered in any way, your diet will be filled with whole grains, fruits, veggies and other wholesome, nutritious foods.   Keep in mind that 80% of your fitness results come from what you eat, so this is very crucial to your success. In a time when so many of us are overweight or dying of diseases, clean eating is very important and necessary for us to understand.


Our NEXT Free 7-Day Clean Eating Challenge Group starts November 10th
  • I have TWO requirements for joining the 7-Day Clean Eating Challenge: The first is participation.  No lurking allowed!  You must participate in the daily check-ins and assignments. The time required to do this is minimal and it is crucial to your success! Also, join me on the BeachBody site that’s hosting the challenge. You can sign up for a FREE Team BeachBody Membership by clicking here.
  • Once you’ve done this, please let me know by commenting below and I’ll add you to list when the challenge begins. Looking forward to having you with us!!
I would also love for you to try Shakeology during this 7 day clean eating if it is something your interested in trying FREE of cost please fill out this quick form.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Haley! I'm so glad your interested. The group will be ran on Facebook so please ad me as a friend their and I'll message you a little more info about how it will work!
